Advertising;Campaign FOA

The FOA’s were constructed about a new use of energy drinks in the UAE, where we endeavor to address an ad campaign which appeals to a certain company. The main appeal we tried to convey was the appeal to succeed/achieve. The appeal to achieve constructed an advertisement in which we can aim towards multiple demographics, our initial audience was mainly amongst students between ages 15-21 and the subcategories are that we could appeal to athletics and education. This in conjunction with the use of logos, ethos, and pathos created a sense of professionality, an example would be that we used statistical measures regarding the demographic and rate of consumption within a specific geographical location in the UAE and age demographic, using information provided by the government in order to give it a sense of credibility. We used this information in conjunction with pathos; using students appeals towards succeeding, correlating their futures and the importance of education where the fear of failure is inducing students to buy our product.
With a targeted consumer which correlates with the context given. We decided on a professional approach as a lot of our information were mostly under statistical analysis provided by the government. We were to implement other appeals in our presentation, however, they were minorly discussed upon. We’ve slightly mentioned the appeal to physiological needs, mentioning healthier alternatives in order to attract a wider audience who suffers from obesity, given that we also gained statistical analyses about the obesity rates in UAE.
With the use of varied images, we’ve described how we were able to implement our appeals to corresponding audiences. We’ve used images which varied from students to middle-aged adults, all acting actively to raise reputation in order to support our formal pitch but in order to transcribe the appeal to succeed we need students in their work environments in order to correlate with the information and statistical measures we've been able to conduct which can transcribe our main layout and portrayal in different varied images.  There are images where students interact amongst the field of athletics, where we entice endorsements in order to appeal to a wider demographic.
The presentation itself was successful, however, we didn’t fully transcribe the appeal for success. This could have been due to lack of preparation and communication amongst group members. We were, however, been able to present effectively in a professional manner, using formal language to correlate with the statistical measures we’ve been able to collect.  To improve our overall performance, I have to effectively correlate my appeals, audience and persuasive techniques.
As for my individual performance, I have to become more dynamic and with more personality, due to my performance being stale and really dull for a pitch.


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