2 article 2 practice introductions

1. How and why is a social group represented in a particular way?

This extract entitled “End Yemen’s Agony” derived from the new york times instills derogatory diction in regards to the rulers of Yemen and the act of war. Subverting pity into a political jurisdiction of morality vs. political perspectives implying biases that appeal to the emotional stimuli. Through this, the perspective of the political group is seen through negative connotations. Implementing pathos and victimization to highlight the tyrannical power dynamic between the people of Yemen and the political jurisdiction in Yemen's government that lead to the death of many children. Conventionally instilling the blame in trump as it’s the norm of media in order to gain more consumption and reads.

2. How could the text be read and interpreted differently by two different readers?
The extract entitled “The Guardians view on poverty in Britain: not just shocking but shameful” derived from the news source “The Guardian” with the intentions to extract emotional empathy regarding those in poverty. Evidently, the perspective of morality is going to differ in the retrospective views. Those having high a financial status will perceive the text in negative connotations, however, understanding those who are in poverty is caused through the low wages sustained through their chooses of work and those who don't will perceive the article will react in an emotional stimulus with direct malice towards the government due to the heavy derogatory diction used towards the government. Evidently, this text will explore the two different political ideologies of social stratification and financial equality. 


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