The influence of Pop culture,

My understanding of pop culture has cascaded deeper from my fundamental understanding on the influence of pop culture. I’ve endeavoured to understand the influence that pop culture has in business, our daily lives, and societal norms. Advertisements are always appealing towards a specific individual or group while referencing towards pop culture as a way to gain relevance. As we conducted more lessons regarding the influence of pop culture and advertising we’ve discovered that the significance of gender roles play a huge part on how it effects on societal norms. This evidently transitioned into multiple forms of media following a similar portfolio, where objectification and other alterations is still prominent in today's product marketing campaigns and media.
Pop culture and its influence on business:
It's evident that the use of pop culture in multiple mediums has become a global phenomenon, where sometimes pop culture sets the norm on societals perspectives on gender and other cultures. The use of pop culture in recent forms  of media created a ‘synthetic’ pop culture where deliberate manipulation on popularity is made for profit. Manufacturing pop culture into what producers deem profitable, using social media as a effective marketing campaign in order to gain a massive following.
The use of social media and pop culture in today's society:
The use of endorsements and product placements is to set a foundation so that consumers (such as myself) will be able to continue building upwards from the foundation until it becomes popular and mainstream in society's eyes. Profit gain is the subtext which hides behind pop culture, thusly why recent pop culture became synthetic, with all modifications within shows, advertisements and social media are all deliberate in order to gain traction and product profit creating a synthetic culture where all alterations are made within a corporation rather through natural obligations towards a product,show or advert. We’re typically the reason for the abrupt creation of pop culture as we as individuals strive to fill a our narristical value of feeling somewhat of a belonging. The documentary correlates the ‘like’ or ‘share’ button as a virtual currency towards the consumer and the producer, we value this ‘virtual currency’ as an increment which gives value to your person, thus corporations would use a popular figure in regards to their product to create a community which correlates to majority's liking to further escalate the creation of pop culture.
Technological influence and media:
Technology is also a  heavy influence on how pop culture envelopes on a society. A Lot of pop culture is designated from technology whether that be from music to a TV show. Technology also helps manufacture the ‘synth culture’ as social media is one of major ways to distribute and construct a following. With the use of technology, manipulation is so much more convenient for producers, as advertisements can alter images to their liking, alterations for videos can change your perspectives on a character. Overall the use of pop culture can be altered to one's liking, it's a heavy influencer to the societal norms we’re currently displaying. The alterations of pop culture’s demeanour will stay and will continue to influence our living aspects.


  1. I really liked the use of very complex vocabulary. It displays the evolution of your writing since the first blog. The way that you described how media influences all aspects of our life, and the examples given, made it easy to understand and interpret the idea that we have all been influenced by media and it will continue to influence our lifestyle. To improve, I would say focus more on the four main media concepts in which we had to analyze and there was a lot of repetition with phrases such as "societal norms" and "society". Other than that, the blog pose was well organized and provided a good explanation on how media influences society, through your perspective.

  2. This text shows a great understanding of the topic discussed in class and it shows how media impacts our life. As an improvement I would suggest to go more in depth on the four questions that were asked to answer.


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