gender stereotypes in ads

These three ads display the stereotypical norms amongst the gender preferences in advertising. The athletics market will typically try to use males as an active portal displaying the use of the product in a more direct and linear fashion, while as the females tend to be a decorative portrayal posing more intimately, using the female's body as the frame to present the product. Females and males share a huge contrast in athletics advertising. I'm male modelling they tend to wear athletic clothing and majority of times they're captured in the sport, while females model within the fashion aspects of the athletics brand. Correlations with under armour's and adidas's ads show the use of a female body as a decorative portrayal of the product, both are aimed mostly towards fashion as both displays an inducing silhouette. The under armour statement placed in the ads exclaims “I am more than just a pretty face”  invoking irony with as it displays a dominant and seductive posture. The male figure in the Nike ad exemplifies the sport and it displayed the use of the product, a more linear advert which invokes the use of the product.

It's evident that adidas and under armour depiction of females in their ad campaigns are more lenient on fashion actively using females as a decorative portrayal. Using seductive and inducing poses with the product, closely relevant to objectification, nikes ads are more versatile in their advertisements given that they have more endorsements with major female athletes thus nike has more ads about females in an active portrayal, however, nike has moments of objectification and decorative portraying amongst female models. Take for example the image of the basketball ad in comparison of another basketball ad she evokes a seductive mood displaying an abundant of skin and makeup to increase her facial features still a decorative portrayal as she isn't representing the sport but to induce fashion in a particularly seductive manner.
These ads amongst our society display the stereotype that females are less prone to athlete's, that the female demographic prefers using athletic clothing as fashion. The depiction of females amongst in today's society is that females aren’t physically capable of performing in athletics this is further supported with the ad campaigns that some of the major athletics brands endorse, where the use of decorative portrayals and objectification are prominent in females.


  1. Hey Daniel. Great blog post mate. You have analysed your chosen ads effectively and I agree with your remark on how society views women in athletics as a form of fashion. I am aware that you mentioned it but it would be good to see a male in one of your chosen ads to further analyse the points of contrast between the ads. All in all good work!

  2. I really liked the choice of ads and how you analyzed the actual visual features that I, personally, would've forgot to mention. The comparison of the ads to one another and to tear respective brands added on to the fact that the biggest names fall into this societal stereotype. To improve, I would look over grammar such as "I'm" when you meant "in" and capitalizing the names of the brands. I would also compare the female ads to male sports ads to better support the thesis.
    Other than that, great article!


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