whats the target audience?

Through the uses of image manipulation, the advert being displayed is specifically aimed towards females using bright vibrant imagery while still invoking the appeal to achieve and gain prominence, breaking the norm of dependent and submissive female stereotypes. The ad uses a bold statement which females can relate and gain the need to achieve a sense affiliation and gain prominence is highly attractive and mainstream in today's society. Using bright imagery and defining characteristics of a female to relate towards a female audience as it uses a model within the conventions of an active portrayal thus deviating from advertisements which use decorative portrayal and objectification. The text in conjunction with a female model creates an empowering aesthetic inducing female audiences to become more affiliated with athletics. The model is displayed as an independent individual thus breaking the norms where society depicts that females are more reliant and dependent, this is apparent as the text instilled dominance taking the common phrase of “ladies first” and converting it as an empowering phrase to transcend societal norms. The use of specific diction ‘first’ in relation with females and the word ‘second’ correlating with males is a homage to a state where a female is portrayed as a reliant female dependent on others whereas the advert uses this diction as an empowering statement. The use of an active portrayal supports the use of bold empowering statements inducing the need to achieve and dominance. The advertisement plays with pathos mostly as the use of specific diction induced that sense of affiliation and prominence, it also evokes to break societal norms as it correlates with the model actively portraying as an athlete.


  1. I liked how you addressed the target audience right off the bat, which set the content for the rest of the blog. The analysis of visual effects and language used in the advertisement was helpful in understanding why the target audience are females. You focused a lot on the language which was good, as you continued to break down every word, and how it relates to the audience. The best in my opinion, was how you presented the values of females wanting prominence, hence the term ladies first. Contradicting, the typical saying ladies first, they have changed its meaning to mean ladies are always number one. To improve I would elaborate more on why the colors of the ad, added on to the effect of the target audience.

  2. I enjoy the way that you address the target audience straight off the bat, which sets a clear path for the reader as they'll know what the rest of the analysis will consist of, although at the same time that can be a negative simultaneously as you're already stating the audience with hardly any hard facts to back up your statement which can be seen as somewhat improper structure; I overall enjoyed your analysis as it is what was expected from the advertisement's first impression; the fight against objectification and the overall support on female empowerment. Throughout the analysis I noticed a consistent reference to appeals and techniques regarding the ad's perspectives, considering that an effective way to show your analysis. Very good analysis but the repetition of some techniques led me off. An enjoyable analysis overall.


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